All posts by Number9

Zen exercise for predictors

Practice and encourage holding contradictory notions in your mind at the same time. Examples:

1. An individual who, you think, simultaneously, (a) should be admired for personal sacrifice in defense of constitutional liberties and, (b) should be sentenced to a long prison term for disclosure of classified information.

2. Someone like Philippe Pétain of France, who lead France to victory in World War I, and, as Prime Minister of Vichy France, collaborated with Germany in World War II.

It is a natural human inclination to judge situations such as these to a final conclusion, even when one is completely out of the loop.  It takes much effort to have a public voice, and it is admirable when one chooses to, but most of the time, one’s judgment is a silent grumble.

Holding contradictory views is a mind-expanding process, far more rewarding than deciding what to do to whom. If you practice long enough, you will become a mind-juggling adept. In an enlarged space of consciousness, your decisions will be better when they really count.

Iraq commentary

Since Iraq seems topical right now, here’s some additional commentary. The nightly news seems fixated in the viewpoint of, “this is what the other parties are doing, and what we should we do about it.” This is more about viewing it as a game, and watching the play.

The main actors in the region are the U.S., Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the non-state element. The non-state element is an asymmetrical threat, with a strategy that rises little above tactics: take, terrorize, and live off the land. But the state actors have the opportunities to engage in complex strategies.

The second tier actors are the Kurds,  the Shiites of southern Iraq, and the Sunnis of the middle region. With their quasi-nation, the Kurds verge on being the swing player of the moment.  The Shiites have Iran to watch their backs. The Sunnis, with nothing of value save a barren territory, have no better weapon than passive-aggression.

Now photocopy a map from a book, or print one from the web and draw lines between every actor who hates another actor. If you do this correctly, you will have connected every actor to every other actor, with two exceptions:

U.S. <– >Saudi Arabia should be a “love line”

Shiites of Southern Iraq <–> Iran should be a “love line.”

The reason the U.S. is connected to Kurdistan by a “hate line” is that it is a matter of U.S. policy, influenced by Turkey, to oppose a Kurdish state. As for lines connecting the U.S. to other Iraqi factions, we probably all agree that they are all a pita. Perhaps there should be a special line for this.

That the line connecting the Shiites of southern Iraq with Iran is a “love line” is glossed over in all the diplomatic verbiage that’s slinging around right now. The state religion of Iran was born in Iraq. The most holy Shiite shrines are located there.

The only natural force that by extremely tortured argument could compete with this is Pan-Arabism.  Have you heard much of that lately? It was big in the day of Gamal Abdel Nasser, and later revived, without success, by Saddam Hussein. If not dead, Pan-Arabism is very stale.

Part of the appeal of a tie-up between Iraq’s Shiite community, and Iran, solemnized in appropriate documents with the appropriate amount of territory-creep, is the novelty of it. Being a new idea, the follies are not yet known. And, who knows? Maybe the absolute congruence of religion is enough to overcome differences in table manners.

To the Saudis, this would be an Iranian dagger thrust into the heart of the Arab World. Besides their old-man conservatism, which brooks no change, they have a legitimate fear. Every nation in the area has at one point been the heart of an empire, and a caliphate now gleams in the eyes of the mullahs, just as it did in the eye of Saddam Hussein.

Occasionally an idea whose time has come can be stopped by tanks. The Soviets succeeded in Hungary in 1956. The Saudis have the tanks, and the means to get them there, but they have the oil disease.  The U.S. has, oddly enough, the generations of young men anxious to test themselves in battle, and in which they always acquit themselves well, but their parents are wiser.

But Iran is unique, consisting of two societies in unequal coexistence. One society is civil, secretly tending towards the secular, and very similar to the West. The other is the religious state. It might be tempting to call it a state-within-a-state, but it really is more than that. It is the uber-state. And, there is within that state, an individual who one might liken to a Robespierre , who you may know as “Mr. Guillotine.” But unlike Robespierre, he is still kicking,  the modern author of tyranny in Iran, and he is not Khamenei, with whom he may be co-equal in power. Do you know his name?

If the religious establishment commits the IRG to “struggle”, it may be found an instrument of enormous compressed power, the measured complements of strategy and martyrdom.

Following the 1991 Gulf War, one Indian official was quoted to say, “Don’t fight the United States unless you have nuclear weapons.”  The IRG has no such opponent in the region. But is Iran willing to endure the privation that would result? A mere speculation follows. The Russians make a huge distinction between Sunni and Shiite as threats. The Sunnis are the wellspring of terrorism. The Shiites, they argue, are not, even though Iran’s state-sponsored assassination program was prolific into the 90’s, and is still active today. If U.S. efforts to reconstitute Iraq fail, and the ISIS is not obliterated, a congruence of Russian and Iranian interests could bypass Iran’s isolation.


Precogs ?

Instead of trying to figure things out, which can only result in probabities, why not hire a precog (one who can “see the future”) instead?

Is it beneficial to prediction to think one’s self gifted with precognition?

India under Narenda Modi ?

Suppose you wanted to build up to some prognosticating about India under Narenda Modi. Where would you start? How would you scope it out?

Don’t assume that one factor governs. Look for a convergence of factors. This means research in disparate areas.

Ukraine prediction; an Austrian solution

This is for you meat and potato guys, impatient with meta-thoughts. You’re asking, “Where’s the beef?”

Invasion of Ukraine is no longer likely. In contrast to the previous Russian build-up, this is not a prelude to invasion. It has to do with the history of that part of the world, which includes many massacres and pogroms. It is a visible warning to all Ukranians, including the undeniable Fascist component, not to go in that direction.

In Putin’s ever-shifting calculation, an achievable goal is an Austria-type neutrality. In the Cold War, the Russians actually withdrew from Austria in 1955, because they could not make it work for them economically. The current problem is similar. Although Ukraine has a healthy steel trade with Europe, and exports grain, it cannot pay the Russian gas bill.

Ukraine is going to have a very cold, hard winter. Putin will have a second chance.

Quiz answers

Answers to Pop Quiz.

Answer to 1:

c. Turn on a dime, willfully contradicting your previous prediction, thereby undermining your standing with yourself and others.

Answer to 2:

Yes, cognitive dissonance is very important.

Animal behaviorists have observed apparent delight, even in phlegmatic creatures  like cows, when they understand something.  Even in this scientific age, one may reasonably suspect that humans share the joy. In fact, it appears that humans, regardless of how smart they may really be, have a core need to think they understand how the world works.  For a detailed analysis of how humans furnish their head spaces have a look at Vilfredo Pareto’s Trattato di sociologia generale.

The root of cognitive dissonance is the reluctance to throw out mental furniture. Just as you get comfortable in your chair, some rude fact-o-tum (wrong word, but the pun is irresistible) yanks it out from under you. To be wrong, over and over, is one of the humiliations of the predictor. Get used to it.

At any moment, all we  have is a picture painted by the facts. The picture changes unexpectedly as a result of our ignorance, which, relying on open sources, is completely excusable. Two of my posts demonstrate this. Which ones were they?

All this is in the context of the predictor. The product of the predictor incorporates the costs of failure and benefits of success in a linear fashion. For the decision maker (of a course of action), the costs and benefits are not symmetrical.  It is wise to keep the processes of decision, and of action, separate, because the cost structures are so different. Both the predictor and decision maker must be diligent, but the decision maker’s course of action has consequences that unfold over time, while the product of the predictor is an instantaneous value.



Iran rejects U.S. military intervention

Edit 5/27/2019.  This article has been revised for clarity.

Reuters headline: Iran rejects U.S. action.

Previously, Iran’s Rouhani suggested joint Iran/U.S. intervention in Iraq, which the U.S. rejected. Without outright rejection, the U.S. has proceeded alone. Now Iran rejects U.S. action. The time scale of all this is about as close as you can get to a tense chess match, providing a refreshing break from reading IAEA reports. It even has the physicality of a heavyweight bout:

Ladies and Gentlemen, In this corner, the Heavy Weight Champion of the World, Uncle Sam, with unmatched throw-weight and brainpower, out of retirement to defend his title.

In the other corner, the Iranian Theocracy Pugilist Society’s unknown contender, IRG. Known for their sucker punch, they’ve brought a lot of supporters, who are chanting, I think, if I can make it out over all the hubbub, “Back to the future.” The prize is the bones of Iraq. Rumor has it Uncle Sam has some secret reanimation ritual he wants to try on those bones, if he can get them. Iran apparently thinks they have nutritive value.

Can our intellectual and military assets overcome the mullahs’ native cunning? Iran’s sudden truculence about centrifuges suggests a confidence they cannot walk away with nothing.




Pop Quiz

You’re probably thinking, it’s not fair to have a pop quiz on a weekend. Well, life is not fair. So to it:

1. Suppose you have made a prediction about something current, like Iraq, and a couple of new pieces of information trickle down through the sieve called media. Do you:

a. Make a thoughtful compromise with what you have previously predicted?

b. Sleep on it, before deciding whether it’s right for you and your family?

c. Turn on a dime, willfully contradicting your previous prediction, thereby undermining your standing with yourself and others?

2. Does the theory of cognitive dissonance have anything to do with this? Does it inform your answer to “1” ?

Need more time? OK, I’ll cut you a break. Hand it in Monday.

Mr. Putin, Russia is not Italy.

Secretly, everyone wants to be Italian. Even those who don’t know it.

I was sitting on a train, jammed in with a schoolteacher from Rome, chaperoning a pack of kids on a Big Apple excursion. Jammed in as we were, I asked her about Berlusconi. She answered with a smirk and an insight. She said, “Secretly, I think Italians all want to be like Berlusconi. That’s why they tolerate his antics.”

So even if you’re already Italian, there is something better to be: a Berlusconi.

Mr. Putin, in your fashioning of the modern Russian conservative ethos, you perhaps wonder why Russian speaking Ukrainians do not stampede to join your party. This is because it is a dull party. Ukrainians look west, because then they can aspire to be Italians, and, once achieving that lofty goal, they can aspire to be Berlusconis.

Many would argue that being Berlusconi is better than kissing crucifixes, though Berlusconi kisses a lot of things too.

Mr. Putin, I have a hunch as to your motive for the conservative alignment. In the evolution of the Russian state that follows your tenure, you want a political establishment with a moral compass. The transition from oligarchy to whatever follows has a gap, which you want to plug with a conservative religious ethos.

But the Ukrainians would rather be Italians.


Russian tanks & Ukraine

Russian tanks are again massing on the border with Ukraine. The refusal by separatists of Poroshenko‘s amnesty offer has lead to heavy casualties among them. Since the killing happened within 60 miles of the border, it could presage another Russian land grab.

With characteristic perspicacity, Putin observes the world faces “a growing cult of violence“, which he is afraid could be imported into Russia. He is most likely thinking about the Caucasus, which includes Chechnya,  subdued in a notoriously brutal pair of wars, for which he was given a moral exemption by the West. Ukraine is on the northwestern flank of that land mass, which, bordered by the Black and Caspian Seas, looks a little like a peninsula, except that the southern border is land: Turkey and Iran.

So if Ukraine were an active enemy on the flank of that volatile region, it would complicate any future need to contain violence emanating from the Caucasus. If Putin decides upon a land grab, there is another solemn fact: Ukrainians make good soldiers. In a previous post, I attempted, without success, to find a rule for this. Perhaps there is a Freudian explanation? Does the unemotional Ukrainian personality mask a sublimated capacity for organized violence? Hitler put Ukrainians in the static divisions on the Western Wall, and they fought.

Like many other facets of life, the battlefield has been miniaturized. Handheld weapons, MANPADs (Man-Portable Air Defense)  and ATMs (Anti-Tank Missile) deprive capital assets like tanks and planes of the overwhelming edge they formerly enjoyed over infantry. Of course, even the humble RPG is formidable in the hands of those with preternatural skill. And there are quite a few of those operators.

To maintain the asymmetrical advantage over opponents armed with modern light weapons, the U.S. developed complex battle doctrines: AirLand, and most recently, “Full Spectrum Dominance“, which became current during Donald Rumsfeld’s tenure as defense secretary. Rumsfeld pushed the the military in the direction of “better, faster, cheaper.” But the most recent test,  the Iraq war of 2003, was inconclusive. Deprived of air cover and communications, some Sunni Iraqi units proved formidable opponents. They raised their rifles in the air, and brought down helicopters in unison. Since many Iraqi units had been bought off before the shooting, critics reasonably argued that Rumsfeld had not brought enough lead to the gunfight. Had the tip of the U.S. spear been blunted, we would hear more about this.

The border with Russia is good tank country, flat, and open. But Russia would not possess all the elements of an asymmetrical battle doctrine, which has never been tested by them in battle. Ukraine would have some advanced elements: Western intelligence, imagery, and communications, which are quickly being enhanced. Depending upon the speed with which NATO transfers advanced man-portable weapons, the proven quality of Ukrainian soldiering could result in protracted conflict and chronic enmity.

With Sochi a distant memory for would-be tourists, Putin has seemingly positioned Russia as an adversary to the West. More than any Russian leader since Lenin, Putin is a thinker, who endeavors to leverage assets, rather than commit them to a grind.  The event that seems to have dulled Putin’s mental edge, leading him in what history might call an inexorable direction, is evident: the  deposing of Viktor Yanukovych.

Putin, the tightrope walker, has fallen off the wire. He is using increasing force to achieve less, and is depleting his personal cachet with the world at large.